Hello everyone-- It's been long time I didn't write in this site. I really don't have any plan now to start writing in this site again. I just feel like I wanted to. Here, I just wanna share to you one of my experience to everyone. Let me tell you who I used to be. I used to be a girl who didn't know anything about this world. When I was around 12 to 15 years old, I just stayed at home and did nothing at home. I liked listening to radio from phone at that time. It was quite exciting than went to friend's house. Also, I liked chatting with people from the internet. Everyday, I spent my life at home by listening to radio, chatting with internet people, being alone at my room, rarely went to friend's house and so on. I didn't use to have a lots of a good friends and I was a quite girl. Then, I graduated from Junior High School. I was accepted at the state of Senior High School. I did really hope that I could have much friend than before. I was really afraid to talk to new people. Then, I got the same class with a friend of mine from my Junior High school. I was so happy. When I was seventeen, I've got some good friends and they were funny. They liked to make a Joke a lot and I enjoyed being together with them. Then, my teacher told that there would be a free English classes at his courses for a half year. Then, I was interested to join it. I never had like this before. The English course that I joined was really really fun, especially the teacher. It's really different learning that I got from School. We learnt English by watching movies, singing a song, playing some games, and many more. I was really happy spending time together with my course's friends. Then, It's been a half year I took the course. However, I love the English course, so I continued to join the course and my friends did. We got night classes. Sometimes, we got dinner together after classes. We also did cooking together after school at course's place. I become closer with them. Then, in new year 2011, my friends and I went to Bali. We took a lot of pictures there. Now, I am tired to write. I will continue write this story later. Thank you for reading my story and I really appreciate you spend to read this.
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